ABCD 粮食补助
Take action now! Chinatown Main Street and Action for Boston Community Development (ABCD) will provide food for low-income (80% Area Median Income or below) households! To apply, you must be a Boston, Medford, Everett, Belmont, Newton, or Winchester resident.
You may qualify to receive fresh vegetables, fruits, rice, eggs, and other groceries! Please read the information carefully below to see if you qualify! To qualify, you must be employed (part-time or full-time) and currently live in the areas listed above. We will inform you if you are selected. Note the dates provided for application deadlines and the day of food distribution at St. James the Greater Church (125 Harrison Ave Boston, MA 02111).
糧食供應行動! 波士頓華埠主街和波士頓社區發展行動 (ABCD) 一起開展一個將為低收入家庭 (80% 地區收入中位數以下) 提供食物行動。想申請的話,您必須是波士頓、梅德福、埃弗雷特、貝爾蒙特、牛頓或溫徹斯特的居民。
您可能有資格接收新鮮的蔬菜、水果、白米、雞蛋、和其他食品! 請仔細閱讀信息、看您是否有資格接收食品!您必須受僱 (半職或者全職工作)而且并住在波士頓、梅德福、埃弗雷特、貝爾蒙特、牛頓或溫徹斯特才可能有资格。如果您被選中、我們會通知您。請記下申請表截止日期和波士頓聖雅各伯天主堂分發食物的日期。(地址:125 Harrison Ave Boston, MA 02111)

Our Community Partner
The Pao Arts Center
Lunar New Year event
also as scheduled
on 2/9/2025 - Sunday
Join us to celebrate
The Year of Snake

Chinese New Year - Year of the Snake
New Year's Day - 01/29/2025
Chinese New Year Events:
Chinatown Main Street Chinese New Year Cultural Event (indoor) - Arts and Crafts for children, Calligraphy, Live Performances, and Lion Dance
Scheduled on 02/09/2025 (Sunday, Starting at 11:00 am to 3:00 pm)
Location at: 2 Boylston Street, China Trade Center, Boston, MA 02116
It is across the street from the MBTA Orange Line—Chinatown Stop or 3 minutes from the Green Line—Boylston Street Stop.
Pao Arts Center - 99 Albany Street / One Greenway - Kneeland Street
Here are some photos of our annual Summer Festival!
We had multiple performances and vendors selling food and other items.
This event was on July 6th, 2024.
Follow us on social media for the latest content from Chinatown Main Street! Keep tabs on large-scale events, amazing Chinatown food highlights, and helpful resources for businesses and Boston residents!
Instagram: @chinatownmainstreet
Tiktok: @bostoncms
Facebook: @Chinatownmainst
Get ahead of tax season and file your taxes for free with Chinatown Main Street before April 15th! If your income is less than $70,000, take advantage of this opportunity for free tax assistance provided by Chinatown Main Street and several other partnering organizations.
To schedule an appointment for in-person assistance, please call us at 617-350-6303

Chinatown Main Street is collaborated with @cityofboston for a morning of beautification in concert with other neighborhood organizations on Earth Day!
Here are some pictures of our volunteers cleaning the neighborhood of Chinatown!


Program Ended on June 19, 2021 - until further notice on any future program schedule!
Chinatown Fair Food, a joint project of Chinatown Main Street (CMS) and Fair Foods, is scheduled to distribute groceries for $2 a bag, twice a month during the winter.
Fair Foods was founded in 1988 to provide healthy produce to low-income families in the Boston area. Their unique $2 Bag Program makes a healthy diet of fresh fruits and vegetables affordable. For $2, each resident receives a grocery bag containing ten pounds of healthy products such as potatoes, onions, carrots, and spring vegetables. Loaves of bread are included as well. Chinatown Main Street (CMS) was founded in 1995 to help businesses in Chinatown and the local community.
In June 2020, Debbie Ho, CMS Executive Director, and Nancy Jamison, CEO of Fair Foods, discussed the project to alleviate Chinatown’s food insecurity problem, which was exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Boston Chinatown residents have been financially affected by the COVID-19 pandemic as many businesses have closed or reduced their hours, there is also significant job loss. Since January 2020 and during the Lunar New Year Celebration, many restaurants reported event cancellations and reduced patronage. When Governor Baker ordered restaurants only to offer takeout and delivery, restaurants with large dinner areas could not continue operation. As a result, they lost a majority of their perishable supplies. Only small restaurants, bakeries, and cafés could continue operating at a much-reduced level. One small restaurant that closed reported that they had tried to stay open for takeout, but they had fewer than ten orders in two days. Other businesses, such as beauty parlors, had to close under the social distancing order. The pedestrian traffic trickled down to a record low of only a few hundred a day. During August and September 2019, it averaged about 17,000/day on weekdays and about 24,000/day on weekends. Because of the pandemic, Chinatown was reduced from a bustling neighborhood to a near ghost-town.

The planning for the Chinatown Fair Foods events was challenging. In July 2020, members of the board visited Fair Foods in Dorchester to study food distribution logistics and processes. They then evaluated the potential venues in Chinatown that had large enough safe areas for truck parking, offloading and bagging products, queuing, and distribution. This was further complicated by the need to reduce health risks by following government guidelines – requirements for signage, PPE, social distancing, crowd control, and contingency plans. Finally, in September, CMS was able to get approval from the City to hold the first outdoor event at Phillips Square Park. CMS recruited and mobilized volunteers, and during the initial event on October 24, 2020, over 480 bags of groceries were distributed.
Encouraged by the success of the first event, CMS continued to search for an indoor winter venue. CMS was grateful that St James the Greater Church Council stepped up to offer facilities. St. James is centrally located and has both indoor and outdoor areas for preparing bags for distribution. Much attention was paid to social distancing and disinfecting the portion of the church needed to bag the groceries. On a frigid day (December 19, 2020), CMS successfully conducted the second event with 215 bags given out.

Take action now! Chinatown Main Street and Action for Boston Community Development (ABCD) will provide food for low-income (80% Area Median Income or below) households! To apply, you must be a Boston, Medford, Everett, Belmont, Newton, or Winchester resident.
You may qualify to receive fresh vegetables, fruits, rice, eggs, and other groceries! Please read the information carefully below to see if you qualify! To qualify, you must be employed (part-time or full-time) and currently live in the areas listed above. We will inform you if you are selected. Note the dates provided for application deadlines and the day of food distribution at St. James the Greater Church (125 Harrison Ave Boston, MA 02111).
Program has Ended - until further notice on any future program schedule!
Are you a Boston Resident who is Currently Unemployed?
You may qualify to receive fresh vegetables, fruits, and other groceries!
Must present ID, proof of residence (utility bill, or cable bill, rental lease) & unemployment verification letter at the time of distribution
Chinatown Main Street & The Office of Food Access, City of Boston will provide food for unemployed resident of Boston.